Lavazza Headquarters is in the latest USGBC+ magazine

Lavazza Headquarters is in the latest USGBC+ magazine

Lavazza Headquarters, designed by Cino Zucchi Architetti, is featured in the latest USGBC+ magazine as the flagship LEED Platinum building in Italy: . The building is still one of our benchmarks for the integrative process that was followed during design and sustainable commitment from the client. Currently we are preparing to calibrate the dynamic […]

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Andrea Fornasiero, Chairman of GBC Italia Standard Committee, since 1th January 2017 has became also member of the USGBC LEED Technical Committee.

Andrea Fornasiero, Chairman of GBC Italia Standard Committee, since 1th January 2017 has became also member of the USGBC LEED Technical Committee.

“It is an honor for me to be the first Italian selected by USGBC, among the numerous candidacies received, to collaborate with LEED Technical Committee“ – says Andrea Fornasiero (Coordinator of Manens-Tifs Building Physics Team, Headquarters of Padua) – “I think it’s exciting to have the chance to take part concretely to the future developments […]

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